Immutability in Infrastructure and Why?

Let’s first look at what immutability looks like in software.


Here is an immutable data structure: a tuple. Once created, it can not be modified and therefore the definition is concrete. It is this attribute that makes the object hashable.


Here is a mutable data structure: a pythonic list. The object can be modified at runtime. It is this attribute that makes the object unhashable. There is no reliable value to calculate a hash from the object’s definition. (We are going to ignore def __hash__(self) => id(self) can be used in python, as id is guaranteed to be unique and constant for this object during its lifetime. This goes further into state invariants and compiler theory.)

Immutability in Infrastructure

According to CNCF, immutable infra is infra that cannot be changed once deployed. It is a challenging problem, for example with VM deployments, users can add file system mounts and this couldn’t be tracked. Now if the VM goes down, restoration is difficult. True Infrastructure as Code (IaC) largely solves this problem as each “release” (immutable) is tagged with a version (our hash) in version control. We can implement IaC by using containerization where each (docker) image has a tag. We need further steps to ensure users can’t ssh and make breaking changes. Every change must happen through code.

Referring back to immutability in programming, immutability enables referential transparency (fxn y always returns z for input: x) as the value the variable x refers to never changes. This in turn enables pure functions (and by extension, functional programming).

In IaC, we see that immutable deployments ensure everything is constant for a deployment state. We can refer to this state by its release version (or hash). Knowing what immutability allows us to do, we can extend beyond just immutability in infrastruture. What if we tracked the inputs and outputs for each deployment process? We now enable local reasoning, where inferring the correctness of the system is not dependent on prior states or all inputs. This translates to being able to pin down what file is exactly responsible for an issue in your deployment (solving by elimination is now feasible 😧). Tracking inputs in IaC becomes relatively easy when we use config files to store everything and use tools like pantsbuild that leverage functional programming standards, transitive dependencies, and such. You might also want to look at [NixOS], a declarative operating system based on configuration files.


Simpler and Safer deployments

Now since every change goes through code, we can incorporate CI/CD pipelines to make changes on the fly. The pipelines become easier to write as we don’t need to worry about a global state when building, it’s just chained functions: (Config A, B, C -> Proc A -> Artifact A, B -> Proc B -> Image-0.0.1).

There also exist tests in the pipelines to ensure deployment safety. Since we can reason about functions locally and all artifacts used to build the images are constant, these tests become very simple to write.

Faster deployments

As we know all config files are constant and every Process will return B for every input A, we can share artifacts between different image builds. For example:

title: Dependency Graph
flowchart TD
    IA[Image A] --> A{Proc A}
    IB[Image B] --> A{Proc A}
    IC[Image C] --> B{Proc B}
    A --> CA[Config A]
    A --> CB[Config B]
    B --> CC[Config C]

By caching our output at Proc A for its inputs, Config A and Config B, we speed up our deployment builds.

Furthermore, we can avoid builds that do not change, for example, when only Config A is changed, we do not need to build Image C. This is a direct consequence of knowing our In’s and Out’s in the deployment process.

Storage overhead

We know immutable objects make garbage collection easy in programming languages, due to the elimination of duplicate objects. Similarly here, the artifact created by Proc A is not duplicated and hence lowers the storage overhead of the deployment build.

On a large scale, when our images are tagged: ImageA.v0, ImageA.v1, ImageA.v2, …, we only need to keep a single copy of each. Without immutable deployments, we can not tag images as they can mutate. As a consequence, we do not know what is where and why it is 😨.

Support overhead

As one might guess, there are going to be a lot fewer support calls now that we can see what broke the build. Ideally, most breaking changes are detected at the CI/CD level. If a new release goes bad, rollbacks are a lot easier since everything is tagged in Git. If a user adds a fs mount that doesn’t work, they can’t (ideally).

Engineering overhead

You might need to hire a few engineers who are specialized in infra and can implement a system like this. But that’s a win in my books :)